Dx-cc antenna manual
dx-cc antenna review
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alpha delta dx-cc antenna installation
alpha delta antenna review
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alpha delta antennas
I got the DX-CC antenna as a gift a month ago and set it up in a 35 foot tall The instructions barely mention in passing that the center support section*The introduction of your DX-CC into a tower system employing multiple guy wires or other wire antennas may cause detuning of the DX-CC antenna. This may be for the DX-LBPLUS, and the DX-EE is only 40 ft. in length overall. An antenna tuner is required for 15 meter operations on each of these antennas. Alpha Delta NOTE: In conditions utilizing an antenna tuner to compensate for FEED POINT (not tuner) SWRs over 2:1, such as tuning wide ranges of 80 meters, NOTE: In conditions utilizing an antenna tuner to compensate for FEED POINT (not tuner) SWRs over 2:1, such as tuning wide ranges of 80 meters, (AA) COVER SHEET ALPHA DELTA MULTI-BAND DIPOLES; Models DX-CC, DX-DD, DX-EE They are not used in models DX-LB and LB Plus, since these antennas are used Models DX-CC, DX-DD, DX-EE, DX-LB, DX-LB Plus Alpha Delta tests antennas, in the clear (no surrounding objects), at a height of 35 ft., as an.
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